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We have chickens and roosters on our pasture. Our birds are rotated to fresh areas regularly, helping to fertilize our land and giving them plenty of access to fresh bugs and grain to snack on.

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We produce the highest quality natural beef with no growth implants, antibiotics, or artificial hormones. Our cattle are raised on pasture and eat grass their whole lives. They are rotated to fresh pastures regularly, helping to fertilize our land and keep their diet of native grasses diverse. We offer grass-fed grain finished cattle. Our cattle have an average hanging weight of 700-900 lbs. Our meat is dry-aged, vacuum packed and labeled. 

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Our herd of hogs is a mix of heritage breeds that we have worked with for years to be best adapted to our land, and to produce the most flavorful meat. They are raised happy and healthy: unconfined, with plenty of room to roam, and access to sun and fresh air. They are able to forage on fresh pastures and are fed a healthy and diverse diet.

Contact Us

To order large quantities of meats, reach out to us via email or phone. 


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